Today in Birmingham, United States

Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low 48F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph.

Except for a few afternoon clouds, mainly sunny. High 72F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph.

This weather data was last updated 2024-05-18 15:59:54.


P Cloudy


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  • Tomorrow night M Clear
  • Monday P Cloudy
  • Monday night P Cloudy
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  • Tuesday night M Cloudy
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Birmingham Weather

Birmingham city is the biggest city in Alabama, United States. Being located near the Gulf Stream, humid subtropical climate is observed in the city. Birmingham weather can be very unpredictable. It is possible to be enjoying sunshine in one part of the day and then be forced to shelter from the rain in another part of the same day. Summers in the region are generally hot while winters are mild. Spring and fall are known to receive favorable weather conditions. Rainfall is usually well distributed throughout the year. Thunderstorms, tornadoes and sometimes hurricanes are also known to terrorize the city. Birmingham weather can generally be described using the four seasons.

Weather Conditions During Summer

The season starts in the month of May and ends in late august. Birmingham weather during the summer season is generally warm. Day temperatures are generally high with average highs of 32 - 34 degree Celsius. Temperature lows during the season are at 21 degree Celsius. The month of July can be termed as the warmest month with average thermometer readings of 32.1 degree Celsius observed during daytime. Most of summer days experience sunny weather conditions.

Rainfall in Birmingham city is moderately distributed throughout the year. Rainfall readings are collected for approximately 60 days during the summer season. Most of the time, the rainfall is accompanied by tropical storms and thunderstorms. Birmingham weather during the summer is also very humid. Humidity levels during the season, especially the month of July, are in excess of 90 percentage. Longer days are also observed during the season. The longest day has approximately fourteen hours thirty minutes. Sunrise during these days comes early, sometimes as early as 5:30 in the morning. Late sunsets also occur during the month of July with the latest sunset occurring at around 8:00 in the evening.

State Of The Weather During Winter Season

Birmingham weather during the winter can simply be described as mild. Winter days are mostly cold but seldom below the freezing point. Daytime temperature records average at 11 - 15 degree Celsius. The city is cooler at night with temperatures dropping to around 1 degree Celsius. The month of January records the lowest temperatures both daytime readings and night temperatures. Sometimes, light snow is observed in the city especially during January.

Winter season in the city starts from late November and ends in February. Birmingham weather during this season is rainy for most of the days. Light showers and moderate rainfall are common during the month of December. Heavy rain is also observed in a few winter days. The season also contains the highest cloud cover of 81 percentage. Short days occur during December with the shortest day having only 10 hours of sunlight. Sunrise can be as late as 7:00 in the morning. The sun also sets early, sometimes as early as 4:30 in the evening.

Weather Conditions During Spring

Spring season usually begins from March to late May. Birmingham weather during this period can be described as quite pleasant while compared to the other seasons. Heavy rain and drier spells alternate with each other. March records the highest rainwater in form of heavy rainfall with 6 inches of precipitation recorded. The following month, April, is one of the driest months with humidity levels below 49 percentage being observed. Storms and thunderstorms may also be experienced during the rainy spells.

State Of Weather During Fall/Autumn

Birmingham weather is most pleasant during the month of October. Temperatures during the month are cooling after the end of the summer season but they are yet to reach the winter levels. Daytime temperature during the month average 15 degree Celsius. The sky is clear 39 percentage while cloud cover during the month averages 24 percentage. Fewer tropical storms and less rain are observed during the season. The level of humidity is also lower when compared to spring season.

Tornadoes And Hurricanes In Birmingham City

Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes are not uncommon in the city. These are very common in the fall season and also during winter making stay during those times dangerous. Recent years have seen severe tornadoes hit the city. An EF4 tornado hit Birmingham city in 2011. Hurricanes are not very common although the city is located close to the hurricane path.

Birmingham weather can be very unpredictable with sunny and rainy conditions alternating randomly. People coming into the city are therefore requested to check daily weather reports. These will help them prepare for the forecasted weather conditions for each part of the day. The reports can be accessed online through weather forecast sites that can easily be found through different searches.



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